Northwest Hypnosis Center Partners with Revolutionary Business-Building Concept

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September 17, 2019
Get out!  Outside the box, that is.
Northwest Hypnosis Center presents Visioning for Business Expansion, a mini class for magical results.  We’re thrilled to engage you in our newest venture, designed to expand your life and boost your business in ways that you probably never imagined.
You know all about using visualization for what you want to achieve, but how about Visioning?
Visioning is allowing.  Visualizing is willpower.
Visioning creates space.  Visualizing confines space.
Visioning collaborates.  Visualization is individual imprinting.
Visioning is subconscious.  Visualizing is conscious.
Visioning is divine.  Visualizing is ego.
I first became aware of Michael Bernard Beckwith’s Visioning teachings in 2001.  (  He had already developed a loyal following in the Los Angeles area with Agape International Spiritual Center for more than two decades. Later, he contributed to “The Secret.”
Visioning promised the ultimate realization of my potential by teaching me the ability to live as divine love. This was as clear as mud to me, but I pursued it and as an organizational consultant, became involved in various groups devoted to building or enhancing businesses such as: nonprofits, churches, manufacturing plants, multilevel marketing, coaching and therapy practices, marketing ventures, bookstores, retail shops, repair services, retreats and event centers.  These businesses and their affiliated activities were all built or enhanced using the Visioning process. In whatever way that people wanted to expand; Visioning was the foundational element. The results were astounding and generally fell into place quickly.
I was so intrigued by the concept that I began facilitating Visioning using the five foundational questions that Beckwith offered. I met with individuals and groups, in person or over the phone. We spent about one hour in meditative conversation (this is not an oxymoron), following the program’s simple outline.
The purpose of Visioning was not to manifest the life of my dreams, but rather to create what my soul yearned to express in this lifetime, as opposed to the mere physical desires of the ego. Looking back on those moments, I can easily see the fruits of those collaborations.
As my own divine vision unfolds through me, it has evolved into this class, Visioning for Business Expansion through Northwest Hypnosis Center.
I am both honored and humbled to bring you this amazing process.
WHEN:         4th Thursday of the month   7-8 pm
WHERE:       2505 Cedarwood Ave., Suite 2, Bellingham, WA  98225
COST:           $19 per class
WHEN:         1st or 3rd Friday of the month (TBD) 9-10 am/Pacific. Beginning Oct 2019
WHERE:       ZOOM Only
REGISTER:  Call (360) 612-0209 / Northwest Hypnosis Center
COST:          $19 per class
# OF PARTICIPANTS: Unlimited, inclusive of any geographical area with Internet
It is recommended that participants attend for as long as they feel the need or desire.
For more mini class offerings, go to: