WTA Bus Schedule Updates

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March 25, 2020
In order to preserve capacity to provide bus service throughout the COVID-19 emergency, WTA is moving to a Saturday level of service five days a week (Monday through Friday), and a Sunday level of service on Saturdays and Sundays. This reduction in service will begin on Monday, March 30, and continue until further notice.
This will result in weekday service that begins later in the morning—in the 8 o’clock hour for most routes and for paratransit.
WTA General Manager Pete Stark said, “Public transportation is an essential service. Our goal is to continue to provide this service in a manner that is healthy, safe and reliable. We know that lower levels of service could present a hardship for some. However, to keep transit running for the duration of this emergency, this is necessary step.”
In keeping with Governor Inslee’s order to “Stay Home. Stay Healthy,” WTA urges riders to use the bus for essential trips only, for example to pick up groceries or prescriptions, or to keep medical appointments.
WTA’s Zone Service, which provides limited dial-a-ride service to rural communities one or two days per week, will not be reduced at this time.  
If you have questions, please call (360) 676-7433.