Whatcom County Health Department Announces Name Change

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February 13, 2023
On Tuesday, January 31, Whatcom County Health Department announced a name change to Whatcom County Health and Community Services. This change better reflects the department’s duties and responsibilities. 

With the launch of the Response Systems Division in April 2022, the Health Department increased their scope of human and community services, adding capacity to serve people in mental or behavioral health crises, and building infrastructure to provide coordinated services in addition to housing and related services. 

 “The updated name reflects Whatcom County’s ongoing commitment to providing community-based services,  said Erika Lautenbach, director of Whatcom County Health and Community Services. “Our increased breadth of work, while all associated with health and health outcomes, warrants the inclusion of our community and human services functions,”

 Over the next few months, our signage and other materials will be updated to reflect the name change. There will be no change to email addresses or the department’s website address.