Washington State Hostage Negotiator's Conference
February 12, 2020
Hostage Negotiators are a critical element of law enforcement and help safely resolve volatile situations, too many of which are truly life or death. Whether responding to a barricaded suspect with a warrant for his/her arrest, a suicidal person with a gun, or an uncooperative person suffering from a mental crisis, negotiators are trained to deescalate situations and bring them to a successful conclusion.
Extensive training is required to obtain this skill set, and part of that is acquired through conferences and networking opportunities where actual experiences can be shared and learned. This is the purpose of the Western States Hostage Negotiators’ Association (WSHNA) annual conference April 19th - 22nd.
While much of the conference has been funded, the negotiators of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office still need to raise money for the networking events. While our deputies are comfortable and confident negotiating with a barricaded and armed career criminal, asking for money from our fine local businesses is way outside their comfort zone. That said, the need still remains, and we’re hoping you’ll step up and support this necessary work. WSHNA is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation and registered in the State of Washington as a non-profit business. (EIN is 91-1447025 & UBI is 601182 812) All sponsorships are tax deductible.
The need for trained and skilled negotiators is constantly growing as the opioid crisis and flood of mental health issues spreads. Will you help?
The support you provide makes a difference and is appreciated!
Personal/Company Information needed:
Donor name:
Phone number:
Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze $250+ Logo or name on leaflet. (Leaflets will be provided to each attendee in addition to being placed on each table round.)
Silver $500+ Logo or name on leaflet, as well as name on sponsorship group banner to be displayed prominently at the conference venue.
The WSHNA conference is being hosted by the Whatcom County Sheriff Office this year at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA. There are 400 attendees coming to the 34th annual conference. Whatcom County Sheriff Office chose the Catholic Community Services as the charity of choice.
At the conference, we will be raffling off prizes and half of the proceeds will go to Catholic Community Services. Since 1938, Catholic Community Services’ Whatcom Family Center has responded to the needs of the community. Those needs prompted our relocation to the Washington Grocery Building in 1997. Our mental health and family education services to children regularly serve more than 700 individuals each year. Our Hope House, located next to Bellingham High School, annually helps 10,000 individuals meet basic needs. Our 121 affordable housing units in downtown Bellingham provide quality living for persons who have limited income.
If you have any further questions please contact Samantha Robinson at 360-599-8226 or at srobinso@co.whatcom.wa.us
Extensive training is required to obtain this skill set, and part of that is acquired through conferences and networking opportunities where actual experiences can be shared and learned. This is the purpose of the Western States Hostage Negotiators’ Association (WSHNA) annual conference April 19th - 22nd.
While much of the conference has been funded, the negotiators of the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office still need to raise money for the networking events. While our deputies are comfortable and confident negotiating with a barricaded and armed career criminal, asking for money from our fine local businesses is way outside their comfort zone. That said, the need still remains, and we’re hoping you’ll step up and support this necessary work. WSHNA is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation and registered in the State of Washington as a non-profit business. (EIN is 91-1447025 & UBI is 601182 812) All sponsorships are tax deductible.
The need for trained and skilled negotiators is constantly growing as the opioid crisis and flood of mental health issues spreads. Will you help?
The support you provide makes a difference and is appreciated!
Personal/Company Information needed:
Donor name:
Phone number:
Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze $250+ Logo or name on leaflet. (Leaflets will be provided to each attendee in addition to being placed on each table round.)
Silver $500+ Logo or name on leaflet, as well as name on sponsorship group banner to be displayed prominently at the conference venue.
The WSHNA conference is being hosted by the Whatcom County Sheriff Office this year at the Semiahmoo Resort in Blaine, WA. There are 400 attendees coming to the 34th annual conference. Whatcom County Sheriff Office chose the Catholic Community Services as the charity of choice.
At the conference, we will be raffling off prizes and half of the proceeds will go to Catholic Community Services. Since 1938, Catholic Community Services’ Whatcom Family Center has responded to the needs of the community. Those needs prompted our relocation to the Washington Grocery Building in 1997. Our mental health and family education services to children regularly serve more than 700 individuals each year. Our Hope House, located next to Bellingham High School, annually helps 10,000 individuals meet basic needs. Our 121 affordable housing units in downtown Bellingham provide quality living for persons who have limited income.
If you have any further questions please contact Samantha Robinson at 360-599-8226 or at srobinso@co.whatcom.wa.us